Acceptable Use Policy


Pathway makes avaiilable Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Pathway VLE, for learners to use during and outside of teaching times to support lifelong learning.

When a learner/user signs an enrolment form they agree to adhere to the acceptable use policy which includes, but is not limited to the following rules.


  • Users must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to Pathway VLE.
  • Under no circumstances must users share their password or access details.
  • Users must notify their manager or their coure tutor if she/he has identified a possible security problem.
  • Courses that make use of discussion areas on Pathway VLE do so in order to assist its participants in exchanging views on current issues and matters of common interest. Please ensure you follow the following rules and guidelines when posting messages and utilising Pathway’s learner equipment:
    • Users are reminded that text, images and other information created by third parties will be subject to the laws of copyright, and that this includes material found elsewhere on the Internet. Messages posted to the discussion area must not include such material without the copyright owner's permission, and links to other sites should comply with those sites' conditions for such links.
    • Use of inappropriate language and material will not be permitted. Users must not use obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening or contain disrespectful language. Users must not use Pathway VLE to post material that is profane or obscene (pornography) or that advocates illegal acts or extremism or violence or discrimination toward others.
    • Users are expected to respect the right to privacy of others. Users must not repost a message that was sent to them privately without permission of the person who sent the message. Nor must users post private information about another person or post contact information (eg. address, phone number) about any other person. Any contact or receipt of any message a user feels uncomfortable about should be reported to their course tutor immediately.
    • Pathway reserves the right to remove messages atits discretion. In addition, a message may be moved to another area of the discussions if, in the view of the course tutor, the message is more relevant to that area.
    • However, the responsibility for the content ofmessages rests with the authors. Authors cannot claim copyright on work posted on Pathway VLE, unless previously published and permission to reprint has been gained. In addition Pathway will not publish learners work without permission. Pathway makes no warranty with respect to the validity of the information supplied in messages, and readers should make their own assessments before using such information.
    • Logged-in users may use the e-safety button to report messages to the e-safety officer where they appear to conflict with these conditions. Alternatively, please make contact with the course tutor. Pathway reserves the right to remove access to Pathway VLE or any of our systems for any reason and without giving notice.
    • Users are not allowed to download software onto Pathways computer equipment.
    • Social Networking sites can be utilised by learners however please be careful about the information you post on these sites and ensure you follow the e-safety guidelines at all times.
    • The use of webcams or other recording equipment must only be done so when the permission of all who are in scope has been obtained.
    • Learners must report any concerns they have immediately to the safeguarding officer. Please refer to Pathway E-safety policy, available via our main site Policies - Pathway Group  for the reporting procedure.

    This policy will be reviewed annually and following any breach of acceptable use